Initialize your first custom plugin (tutorial)


your first simulation

This page describes how to create a custom plugin

This tutorial shows how to build a simple discrete domain thanks to a custom plugin. As shown on the following picture, the discrete domain is composed by discrete elements aligned along a straight line. Note that discrete elements are bonded together. The domain is defined by :

  • the length between the center of the first and the center of the last discrete element,
  • the radius of discrete elements and
  • the number of discrete elements.

a simple discrete domain


You must follow the previous tutorial steps before starting this tutorial. You must build a new blank project and you are currently located in the folder of this new project.

Building a new plugin

The granoo3-project tool can be used to build a new plugin. The following line invokes the granoo3-project tool and creates a new plugin in the current directory named BuildDomain.

:prompt: granoo3-project -p --cpp
Adding a new plugin...
PlugIn Name ? -> BuildDomain
Do you want comments ? [(y)es or (n)o] -> y
-  Adding "PlugIn_BuildDomain.cpp" file to the current dir
-  Adding "PlugIn_BuildDomain.hpp" file to the current dir
-> Good bye ! 

Now, your current directory must look like this.

├── build
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── Main.cpp
├── my-project.inp
├── PlugIn_BuildDomain.cpp
└── PlugIn_BuildDomain.hpp

You can observe that two new C++ files named PlugIn_BuildDomain.cpp and PlugIn_BuildDomain.hpp that were added to your current directory. These files correspond to the minimal code of a granoo plugin. Now, you have to edit these two files in order to customize this plugin.

:prompt: granoo3-project -p --py
Adding a new plugin...
PlugIn Name ? -> BuildDomain
Do you want comments ? [(y)es or (n)o] -> y
-  Adding "" file to the current dir
 - Some lines were added to your '' file
-> Good bye ! 

Now, your current directory must look like this.

├── my-project.inp

You can observe a new python file named that were added to your current directory. This file corresponds to the minimal code of a granoo plugin. Now, you have to edit this file in order to customize this plugin.

Overview of a plugin structure

The PlugIn_BuildDomain.hpp that contains the C++ declaration of your plugin looks like :

#ifndef _PlugIn_BuildDomain_hpp_
#define _PlugIn_BuildDomain_hpp_

#include <string>
#include "GranOO3/Common.hpp"
#include "GranOO3/libUtil/PlugIn.hpp"
#include "GranOO3/libUtil/Util.hpp"

class PlugIn_BuildDomain : public Core::PlugInInterface<PlugIn_BuildDomain>

  DECLARE_CUSTOM_GRANOO_PLUGIN(BuildDomain); // a macro for declaring the plugin

  PlugIn_BuildDomain();                      // constructor
  ~PlugIn_BuildDomain();                     // destructor

  void parse_xml();
  void init();
  void run();

  std::string message_;


You can notice that the structure of a granoo plugin is simple. A granoo plugin must inherit from the Util::PlugInInterface<T> class. In addition of common constructor and destructor a granoo plugin must implement three methods :

  • void parse_xml(), this method is invoked when the xml input file is parsed. This stage is the preliminary stage of a granoo computation. You can use this method to read some attributes from the xml input files.

  • void run() this method is ran each time the plugin must be launched. To keep it simple, you have to put here what your plugin must do.

  • init(), this method is invoked just one time, before the first run of the run(self) method. You can use it if you want to initialize some attributes of your plugin.

The that contains minimal python code of your plugin looks like :

import granoo3.lib as granoo

class PlugIn_BuildDomain(granoo.plugin):

    def __init__(self):
        granoo.plugin.__init__(self, "BuildDomain")
    def run(self):
        # run your plugin here
        print "hello from python, your message is", self.message 
    def init(self):
        # do something here, useful to initialize your data

    def read(self):
        # read data from xml input file
        r = granoo.reader.get()
        self.message = r.read_str(granoo.attr.REQUIRED, "Message")

You can notice that the structure of a granoo plugin is simple. A granoo plugin must inherit from the granoo.plugin super class. A granoo plugin must implement three methods :

  • read(self), this method is invoked when the xml input file is parsed. This stage is the preliminary stage of a granoo computation. You can use this method to read some attributes from the xml input files.

  • run(self) this method is run each time the plugin must be launched. To keep it simple, you have to put here what you plugin must do.

  • init(self), this method is invoked one time, just before the first run of the run(self) method. You can use it if you want to initialize some attributes of your plugin.

Important ! You must instantiate your python plugin in order to launch it. The granoo-project tool automatically add two lines to your file to instantiate your plugin. Your file must look like :

import granoo3.lib as granoo
import sys

import PlugIn_BuildDomain # added by granoo-project : import your plugin
p = BuildDomain()         # added by granoo-project : instantiate your plugin 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # run the granoo computation 