
class granoo3.lib.spring

Bases: granoo3.lib.bond

a mechanical spring that links two elements

Methods Summary


compute the current elastic energy stored in the spring


get the current direction of the spring.


get the stiffness value

new(arg1, arg2)

build new object

set_stiffness(arg1, arg2)

Methods Documentation

elastic_energy((spring)arg1) float[STATIC]

compute the current elastic energy stored in the spring

get_direction((spring)arg1) vector[STATIC]

get the current direction of the spring. The direction is along the two centers of the connected elements

get_stiffness((spring)arg1) float[STATIC]

get the stiffness value

static new((element)arg1, (element)arg2) spring[STATIC]

build new object

set_stiffness((spring)arg1, (float)arg2) None[STATIC]