
class granoo3.lib.tool_cylinder_list

Bases: granoo3.lib.tool_cylinder_xset

an simple un-named list of tool_cylinder

Methods Summary

add(arg1, arg2)

add a given item


clear the whole list


clear the list and delete all the referenced objects

contain(arg1, arg2)

check if the list contains a given item

erase(arg1, arg2)

erase a given item from the list


get the first item of the list


get the last item of the list

Methods Documentation

add((tool_cylinder_list)arg1, (tool_cylinder)arg2) None[STATIC]

add a given item

clear((tool_cylinder_list)arg1) None[STATIC]

clear the whole list

clear_and_delete((tool_cylinder_list)arg1) None[STATIC]

clear the list and delete all the referenced objects

contain((tool_cylinder_list)arg1, (tool_cylinder)arg2) bool[STATIC]

check if the list contains a given item

erase((tool_cylinder_list)arg1, (tool_cylinder)arg2) None[STATIC]

erase a given item from the list

first((tool_cylinder_list)arg1) tool_cylinder[STATIC]

get the first item of the list

last((tool_cylinder_list)arg1) tool_cylinder[STATIC]

get the last item of the list